Thursday, January 25, 2007

Calling one, calling all! Defend your right to free speech!

This is the official statement of Bloggers United. This statement is jointly drafted by Susan Loone and Sheih of Kickdefella. All those who believe in justice and right to free speech, please sign on and put this up in your blogs. Spread it around; let it grow far and wide. The fight is on! See also Susan Loone.


We, Malaysian bloggers, we, who believe in justice and right to free speech, we, who endorse the Bloggers United movement, unanimously condemn the action taken by media conglomerate NST against bloggers Rocky Bru and Jeff Ooi. The action by the newspaper against the duo is an action against all bloggers who believe in their right to free speech, freedom of expression and justice.

The recent event may seem like a grave development in the path of bloggers, but it can never and must never impede or stop us from defending our right to speak, to express, to write and to tell the truth, to be the watchdog, eyes and ears of the people, or simply to share our view, and give fair comment on any subject which involves and affects us as humans, as rightful citizens of this country.

The recent event may very well give the government owned media the opportunity to dictate the so-called ‘truth” but such actions only prove that bloggers must unite, continue to uphold the right to free speech and freedom of expression, fight for justice, even if it is not our own, be more alert, committed to the cause of free speech, relentless and persistence in the face of such persecution like the one which had befallen on the two of us.

What YOU do to any of US, is what YOU do to ALL.

As responsible bloggers, we demand and claim our space on the blogosphere for free and fair comment, where important national issues and prominent personalities are discussed.

Although it may seem as if the NSTP defamation suits will have a chilling effect on freedom of bloggers, as litigation can be expensive and may jeorpadise a blogger’s economic position, we will not be cowed or silenced by those who have no regard for free speech.

If you find our post offensive, you may refute us with correct facts and figures and fair comment, in the spirit of free speech.

The first two cases will have grave impact not only on the internet, but country as a whole as the country celebrates VMY2007. The healthy, mature and democratic growth for free speech and expression in our midst is at stake. The reputation of the nation as it strives to promote our multimedia supercorridor and love for IT will be a national joke for all the world to feast on.

We demand for a level playing field in all action meted out to bloggers and in particular in the defamation proceedings particularly in terms of financial resources and capabilities, and secondly, that the legal rights of bloggers et al are properly protected in keeping with the imperatives of an information society and knowledge economy which Malaysia aspires to become.

For further information, please contact blogger susan loone at and sheih at

bloggers-united-small.jpg bloggers_united_cn_small.jpg

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dont you hate it when......

Dont you hate it when....

1. You plan to wake up early for a change, come to work a little bit early. instead you find the roads are unusually jammed pack bumper to bumper type of jam.

2. You reach the office the office very late, and the boss questioning your punctuality. Funny thing he's never questioned you plus the company practices "flexi hours".

3. You want to use your 3G card to check up on some emails, but you cant use them cause the telco company didn't inform you that they've barred your phone. Plus the boss is asking why you're not replying those emails on time.

4. You're craving for the "nasik ayam" looks very inviting. but when you take that 1st bite "nasik tak masak plak, mentah"

5. You want to fill your car with petrol, you have only rm2 in your pocket so you're thinking of swiping your credit card, but the damn machine is offline. Minyak dah pratically empty.

6. Your day is practically screwed, so you thought of going to the driving range to hit some balls (biasa ler tomorow ada game). The funny thing is you just cant hit those balls perfectly. dah ubah stance, ubah iron, ubah everything but the damn golf balls aint flying.

7. You come home frustrated, angry and very tired. Then your wife tells you "sorry bang, tak sempat nak masak tadi" arrggghhhhhh

8. Dont you hate it when you dont know what to write...............................

Dont hate you're self too much :)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Time to move on

I had a a lot of resentment when I left the old company. I was frustrated, disillusioned and basically lost hope in everything especially with the management. Besides than trying to achieve something) that is merapu, the whole management was acting like watching your daily dose of "samarinda" and "drama minggu ini". So before I left, I kind of promised myself that if they didn't
achieve their target, the management would get a personal email from me. I just wanted to remind them about their promises. Some promised to resign if they didnt achieve it, but i doubt that since their still employed there. I guess they gave the same old lame excuse and the story goes on and on.

I guess its time for me to move on, what's said has already been done. Theres nothing more to prove. Lets work towards the future.


Sunday, January 07, 2007

Easy money? Happy birthday to me!

I have always believed in hard work, and being rewarded because of it. I was taught there is no shortcut to be succesful. I look at the list of millionaires and billionaires and have read their auto-bio's and the one thing i can deduce is it all boils down to hard work. Even Donald trumps talks about it in his reality show "the apprentice". "There is no short cut for success" he says.

Where am i heading with all of this? Well I've got something that really bugs me. I have a friend who i consider a very close friend. We went to school together and our family would spend holidays together. I consider my friend to be very "bijak". He did well in his SPM, went to the states I can say good tertiary education. But the thing that bugs me is that he is a sucker for all these get rich schemes. He admits to loosing thousands of ringgit, but he continues to "invest" in these "schemes".

Now dia duk promote this "swiss cash" thingy. "Nanti lah" i would say, everytime dia suruh masuk this scheme. "Tak susah cob, kau invest USD300 and kau dapat 300% after 13months" he would say. I didnt take economics during my student days, but I have always wondered business apa yg boleh bagi returns banyak camtu?, even ASB pun tak banyak camtu. Pelik...pelik. So i asked around, most of the people i asked have heard of it. Usually a friend of a friend ada masuk and that they have gotten a return in their investments. "Ada nampak duit tu?" i ask. "ohhh its in e-points, then you convert it and they tt into your account." I did ask my good friend about his returns, his answer? "Dah. Skang ni aku reinvest duit tu. 6 tahun lagi aku millionair ler". Good for him if it materialises. Rezeki dia, but i still believe in good ole fashioned hard work. According to him even Tun Musa Hitam and Dato' Zeti (the BNM Governer) join.
I heard that another good friend of mine has joined. He "invested" RM1,000.

If they do strike it rich because of these scams, hats of to you. Rezeki korang. Someone told me, these internet scams are mostly fly by night operators. One day their there the next day the site may not even exist. If you have a lot of disposable income cuba ler, but if you're a person like me tak payah ler. I have "nasihatkan" my friend but biasalah sapa nak tolak easy money even if you dont know the outcome of that investment. Dari segi agama halal ke duit yg diaorg dapat? I'm not very religously pandai but there are a lot of factors to look at.

So far if you search "swissh cash" kat lam google, all of them say its a scam, but i wonder dont these people know or their eyes dah dikaburi ngan easy money?

On a lighter note, I'm 1 year older. I've reached the not so ripe age of 32. How does a 32 year old guy spend his birthday. Well I'm gonna be on the golf course in the morning, lunch with the family and spending some time alone, to ponder what i'm going to do till my 33rd birthday comes along.

Happy Birthday to me

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year 2007 & Looking at the past

Selamat Tahun Baru, Happy New Year.

Another new year and bunch of new resolutions. My new resolution for this year is to stop making new resolutions. Why? cause for the previous years i've never been able to do all those
resolutions. why bother rite. The only thing i'm going to concentrate is be more merry and take things a little bit easy.

So lets look at what i achieved in 2006.

1. I got a new job
Ive always wanted to work in a MN company, for a change i dont need to report to a local plus
the country manager reports to me..ahahah..thats nice.
Finally dapat rasa 5 months bonus, eventhough it was prorated. Hopefully next year they'll give the same amount.

2. Bought a house
Well the house is 90% complete, and i guess it SHOULD be ready latest by this march.

3. Hmmm sorry there is no number 3.

Things I'm looking forward to in 2007

1. Increament in April. They say its between 8%-10%
2. No more "shanking" when i play golf. Less "angkat kepala" when trying to make my swing
3. Nilai Spring or SSG? Hmmmm
4. Addition to the family?Hmmm that one have to ask the wife
5. No more fuel increase (very unlikely)
6. Travel more (So far 1 country per month till March 07)

I guess it stops at no.6, but overall i want to have a happy 2007.

Heres to 2007