Monday, July 10, 2006

Earning my keep

Its my 2nd week on the job. This time I’m better prepared. Last week agak kecoh skit, since baru nak gel with the new environment. I’ve got 2 vessels coming in 2 weeks time. My vessel planning skills have been quite rusty since leaving Westport but should get the hang off it soon. My job also requires me to talk to the HQ people in Tokyo. Nasib baik the people I talk to can speak English, itupun kena cakap slow and steady, If I start to talk laju they all sound so lost. So the best way kena gak cakap slow and steady. Apa nak buat kan?

"yellow pages" company
Dgn siapa saya perlu bercakap

On another note, Italy won the world cup. I was hoping it was France but the “ball is round” instead it was the Azzurri. It was an interesting match, with both teams having an equal chance in possession and chances for goal. Eventually the match went into extra time and France lost to penalties. I never did like matches that was decided that way. Its goodbye to Zidane, Thuram and Makalelee. Without them football would have been very-very boring.

I love checking up on my old work place, its like you have to have your daily fix of “drama swasta”. Kalau tak, kurang ceria hidup ini. The place I work in right now is and work. Theres no time for “surfing” or the occasional chit-chat, for me yang penting the boss understanding. Before I left the old work place I was required to fill up this “exit interview” form. Basically by filling the form up the company wants to be the “employer of choice”. So macam-macam soalan ditanya, like “what could have the management done to keep me?” those type of questions. And theres a small note saying you have to jawab dengan tulus ikhlas (the translation). All my answers were negative. I told them that the management were siphoning money, a few of the management were having affairs and bermacam-macam lagi insiden yang negative. I know its not good to bad mouth your ex-employers but I think its justified. I endured 8 months of pure hell. If you don’t like me why did you employ me. Kan ke bangang nama nya tuuu!!!

Last week pi Perodua plant in Rawang, just to meet the people there. Very impressive, nak amik gambar but rasa not the right time lagipun my boss was around that time. Since the meeting pagi, never had the time to take breakfast. Meeting habis at 1130, so decided to have my breakfast/lunch kat Hentian Sg Buloh. So there I was all alone having a whopper and layan perasaan sorang2, looking at the cars going by and theres no MKB in site…for me its total bliss.

before makan kena bayar dulu

alot of greenery

kenyang tengok kereta

Daging lembu 99 sen


Anonymous said...

Tuan Bokay,



weh, diorang tak nak hantar kau gi Jepun ke?

wokeh ciao!

Izhal said...

lu dah pandai baca jepun...power lu bokay...

Anonymous said...


apa email lu sekarang?
gua pegi hantar address lama lak.