Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Atama ga itai desu

Banyak pening ini kepala. Yesterday was an off day, tapi seperti biasa terpaksa dtg ke office since Nissan "suddenly" changed their export plans and wanted yours truly to plan their cars for this October. To be precise this Sunday. So terpaksa lah call Tokyo, Indonesia and the people of Tan Chong in Jalan Ipoh and co-ordinate everything in such short notice. I'm such a nice guy. Resulting in me kena tuang my Japanese class, which last nite I consider amatlah penting since they were doing revision plus besok 1st paper start.

Strike a pose people!!!

Oh! how i love the military

Anyway last month pi tengok international tattoo kat stadium merdeka. Dulu when i was small my dad would take me to see the tattoo (everytime they had it) so it was kind of like a father & son thing. So when i had my own kid i decided to do the same, like some kind of ritual (biasa ler anak military). Looking at my daughter enjoying the show just reminded her of me when i was her age. Muat the whole family

50,000km/2 years free maintenance

leather seats not included

10% downpayment with optional rims

Posing with the new car

While i was growing up i had my own "battles" with my old man, biasa ler rebellious. questionedevery he said, now i know why. One thing is how screwed i was, he always stood by me depan tabir and sebalik. So boys and girls out there, jagalah mak bapak kita we dont know how long they'll be there for us.

Latest baju raya

3 Stooges in "camo"

On a lighter note, just nak ucapkan to all those that read or just jenguk this blog "Hari Raya omedeto gozaimasu"

p/s JIMY long time no see, was good to see you.When can i expect a card???



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey I am doing just fine, dude!
Was nice to see you again (after so long) at the Tattoo! Card? Soon... real soon!

Izhal said...

Acob-san, watashi mahu tanya...

itsu pindah etooooo rumah baru desuka?