Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Mari belajar mengexport kereta (Part 1)

Meh kita belajar bagaimana kereta di export.

Mula-mula export department proton akan plan berapa banyak nak diexport to the respective country. Bila diaorg dah tau brapa bijik so diaorg akan call saya. So saya akan plan nak pakai kapal apa..nak transhipment ke tidak..stowage plan cemana..then saya serahkan plan saya ke pihak operasi..the rest they say is history.

So last Sunday saya berpeluang nak lihat planning saya berjaya atau tidak. Loading kereta kat Northport. Saya tak pernah tgk loading kat sana, dulu masa kat Westport tiap hari tgk pasal saya jaga operation kat sana. Mlm tu kena plan export for 302 Proton cars (Savvy,GEN2 & Jumbuck or in Malaysia we call it Arena). 100 will go to Durban and the rest all over Australia. All 302 units sent to Singapore first then respective vessels will take them to Australia and Durban. This we call Transhipment cargo.
Kapal yg akan bawak kereta ni semua is called "Maersk Sun". Kapal ada kat deep water point at 930pm and pilot naik kapal to bring her into the port at 1am so operation starts at 2am, expected to complete latest by 6am.
Sebelum masuk kena amik pass dulu

Gate depan conventional Northport

Kereta Savvy beratur nak pi ke wharf

to be continued..pasal payah sangat nak load gambo

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Jom sembang telor

What is sembang telor? Well some people call it sembang kosong or sembang takde tujuan Anyway a lot of things happened these past few days. Well lets see…Siti finally announced she’s gonna marry this dude by the name of Datuk K. He must be one lucky dude, since he’s gonna marry the number one googled person in Malaysia. I guess rich, old and used married dudes get the chance to marry chicks like Siti. With all that money she has don’t tell me you cant find a bujang fellow?

Finally the management took some action based on the exit interview that I submitted masa nak berenti kerja the other day, I guess there were some changes. The MKB dah kurang datang office to see his girlfriend. I got to know that the COO of the company called these 3 “clown” and basically inquired them on what I wrote in exit interview. I don’t know whether they denied it or admitted to all those allegations but it did rock the boat. My old boss called me up but I told him I was too busy to talk to him. Lagipun what is there to talk about, and he doesn’t have to worry I didn’t mention anything about his affair with one of the staff. I just mentioned that they siphoned a few thousand dollars to buy laptops that they don’t even utilize, acting unprofessional, causing low morale resulting in good people leaving the company plus a few other things. I’m not a bad person but I guess when people treat me bad they have to better watch out. Lagipun kita semua kan carik makan. What right do you have to screw someone else. I guess its good that your uncle is the CEO of the group, I guess if someone else wrote that exit interview nothing much would have been done.

Until next time be nice to your co-workers you never know who they maybe related to.

Peraduan mencarik the infamous MKB. I’ll give you a hint he is the bald one top left corner. Crazy bastard innit?

-its good to do some work for a change-

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Medical Checkup and fast cars

Biasanya medical check up ni kena buat before you report for duty. Tapi kat tempat saya kerja I had to do it a week after joining. Kenapa boleh jadik camni? Well the boss totally forgot bout the medical checkup, only lepas your’s truly tanya did he remember.

Well there I was in the doctors office, had to fill in a few forms. Name, address so and and so forth. Then the thing I dread the most, urine test. I’m not a drug user or anything its just that its sometimes hard for me to urinate in those time of need. I told the nurse that I cannot pee at that time can we do the x-ray first? I guess the nurse follows that strict rule that everything has to run by the numbers. “Takpe, minum air suam ni kejap lagi boleh lah tu” ever being so nice. It took me a good 15 minutes before I had the urge to “go”. There I was staring at that empty cup making sure it doesn’t overflow a good thing it didn’t. After taking my urine, off to take my x-ray. Taking x-rays was not a problem, the only thing is that you have to maintain that certain “pose”. Letih lah kengkadang.

After semua tu dah settle, I had to wait for the doctor to call me. After waiting for a good 5 minutes, I entered his room. The doctor was quite old I guess in his 40’s. He asked the same type of questions I guess all doctors do. He asked me pernah buat ECG or not? I don’t even know what an ECG is so I guess since the companies paying for it why not. So there I was all “plugged” up to a machine. I think ECG ni monitors your heart or something related to it. It seems that my heart ni ada slight problem. Nothing major unless I don’t stop smoking. After looking at my x-ray he asked me whether I noticed my spine was agak “senget”.Betul lah my tulang belakang senget skit. He said maybe in the long run it might cause problems. No wonder I have back pains. Besides than this I am okay. Lupa plak I’m overweight, by 10 pounds. If you look at me 10 years back I was skinny as a needle. Things have changed.

2 days back, had a meeting with Naza in Kampung Baru. Kat situ jugak ada show room diaorg. I reached there half an hour early (keluar awal because takut jam). So before going up to the meeting lepak kejap tgk kereta kat show room diaorg. All the cars were high end cars, you had Porches’s, Mercs, Beemers etc I think the cheapest was the Murano RM288k. All imported from Japan. The funny thing is the sales people tak bother datang and do their sales pitch unlike the other car manufacturers. I guess they know the cars on show are way beyond my budget.

-Back pains & fast cars-

Monday, July 10, 2006

Earning my keep

Its my 2nd week on the job. This time I’m better prepared. Last week agak kecoh skit, since baru nak gel with the new environment. I’ve got 2 vessels coming in 2 weeks time. My vessel planning skills have been quite rusty since leaving Westport but should get the hang off it soon. My job also requires me to talk to the HQ people in Tokyo. Nasib baik the people I talk to can speak English, itupun kena cakap slow and steady, If I start to talk laju they all sound so lost. So the best way kena gak cakap slow and steady. Apa nak buat kan?

"yellow pages" company
Dgn siapa saya perlu bercakap

On another note, Italy won the world cup. I was hoping it was France but the “ball is round” instead it was the Azzurri. It was an interesting match, with both teams having an equal chance in possession and chances for goal. Eventually the match went into extra time and France lost to penalties. I never did like matches that was decided that way. Its goodbye to Zidane, Thuram and Makalelee. Without them football would have been very-very boring.

I love checking up on my old work place, its like you have to have your daily fix of “drama swasta”. Kalau tak, kurang ceria hidup ini. The place I work in right now is and work. Theres no time for “surfing” or the occasional chit-chat, for me yang penting the boss understanding. Before I left the old work place I was required to fill up this “exit interview” form. Basically by filling the form up the company wants to be the “employer of choice”. So macam-macam soalan ditanya, like “what could have the management done to keep me?” those type of questions. And theres a small note saying you have to jawab dengan tulus ikhlas (the translation). All my answers were negative. I told them that the management were siphoning money, a few of the management were having affairs and bermacam-macam lagi insiden yang negative. I know its not good to bad mouth your ex-employers but I think its justified. I endured 8 months of pure hell. If you don’t like me why did you employ me. Kan ke bangang nama nya tuuu!!!

Last week pi Perodua plant in Rawang, just to meet the people there. Very impressive, nak amik gambar but rasa not the right time lagipun my boss was around that time. Since the meeting pagi, never had the time to take breakfast. Meeting habis at 1130, so decided to have my breakfast/lunch kat Hentian Sg Buloh. So there I was all alone having a whopper and layan perasaan sorang2, looking at the cars going by and theres no MKB in site…for me its total bliss.

before makan kena bayar dulu

alot of greenery

kenyang tengok kereta

Daging lembu 99 sen

Friday, July 07, 2006

1 Week has passed

Well, 1 week dah berlalu since i started work at the new place.

There wont be any pics since i was too "busy" getting acquanted with the new place.These past 5 days ni, schedule penuh jumpa org. Meeting new faces and renewing old ties. My new job requires me to deal alot with the port, so it was nice meeting the old gang in Westport and Northport. Dapat gak ler bau laut and the smell of vessel fuel.Sungguh menyegarkan. Thought of taking a few pics but was to teruja catching up with old mates.
I'll be dealing a lot with Proton and Perodua, since we handle all export shipments to Australia and Europe so it was quite interesting learning a few new things or too.
I've got tons of things to talk write about. For now my priority is to clear up all those emails in my hotmail. Julia sorry, baru skang ni dapat baca all those emails that you sent me. I guess PLUS Engineers really have a lot of free time on their hands.