Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Apa mau bikin

Lepas sehari bercuti, the tendency for work to pile up memang ada. Common what..........

Saya pun tidak terkecuali. So many things to do but yet so little time.

Let me share with you my not-so-completed work

  1. CIMA Analysis
  2. Vendor Update
  3. Weekly Analysis report

Walaupun nampak tak banyak, but in reality banyak. Biar saya elaborate lebih lanjut bout each one.

  • CIMA Analysis

This thing has been going like a ping-pong ball ever since i joined. kejap they want me involved, next minute tak nak plak. Last week masa meeting the management yang bijak sana suruh handle the whole thing,lock stock and barrel. Bagus kan,now kena tag team with the consultant to pastikan the whole thing runs a-okay. Guess who gets credit when everything runs smoothly? I'm sure it aint me.

  • Vendor Update

What do u do when the company tak penah update vendor list for the past 8 years? Dont think i need to elaborate further.

  • Weekly Analysis

I know i need to do this..wajib dan harus BUT does the management ever read it? Stopped doing it for 2 weeks, but i think i have to continue cause the boss gives me that look when i dont mention it during the meeting.

So there you have it...apa mau bikin?if you dont do it u might just get kicked. Dont want that happening do we?And why am i updating the blog during office hours????

-I need something better to do-

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