Monday, April 17, 2006

Hari Isnin


Usual routine, gosok baju & seluar. Kena gerak awal, cause kena pi BBB dulu.Abah nak pinjam keta. New car dia lum sampai lagi. Looks like I wont be driving till Wednesday, nasib baik besok ada conference.


Ready to leave the house. Yasmin still belum bangun lagi, seronok tgk dia tido.wish could sleep it out. Monday blues i reckon.


left her at the nursery, quite early. Biasanya we would drop her off at 7am. dont want to be caught in the BBB crawl.


paid the Bangi toll, looks like traffic still okay lagi. both the roundabout heading to my parents place are still clear.


picked up my father and headed for work. not really in the mood to talk, monday blues i guess.


reached my wife's office. now have to drive to my office. nasib baik monday traffic wan't that bad. reached the office at 815am. Not bad for a monday.

Since keta takde, still contemplating on whether to take the public transport or ask someone to give me a lift back home. Kalau naik komuter have to walk to the station, jauh plak tu.

i really hate making these decisions................................

care to give me a lift???

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