Thursday, August 24, 2006

Questions of the day

Stuff that's bugging me...

1. Why cant people accept change?
Is it that hard? Do we have to follow the same old mundane way?People want changes, but are really not ready for it.

2. Why do people complain?
Why are there people who love to complain? Example, theres this guy in the documentation department. The only time i see him, is when i finish my planning work. I dont even see him, everything is done via email. And yet he tell's everyone that i'm slow in my work. He doesnt even have the balls to tell it to my face.

3. Why are there insensitive people in this world?
I can take a joke, i can be the butt of jokes. I'm the type yang tak kisah.The thing that pisses me of is when "friends" who have reached that "40 year old" mark and "oh I'm so bored, cause I still cant get a job" type still joke about if they can hit it off (mengurat) with your sister who by the way is already married with 2 kids. I know its a joke but please there are limits. I guess if they read this they will sure say i have no sense of humor. Well how would it feel if i said the same thing bout your sister?

4. Why am I so tired?
Is it because I dont eat right? or is it because I sleep late? or is it because I work too hard

5. Why am i complaining a lot?
Guess you cant have everything.

Still looking for answers


Anonymous said...

Hi acob...
I'll try to write very briefly..ok ?
1) A lot of people are stubborn, selfish and not civic minded. They want things to go their way.

2)people complain because they are not satisfied.But some are just plain "bitchy"

3)God is testing our patience to handle all these insensitive people.

4)Tired..? probably age is catching up...try to work out or exercise.

5)You are complaining as well ?
The answer is the same as no 2.

"have a kit kat..."


Acob said...

ammontie, thanks for the "brief" reply, i like it better when you write "panjang-panjang" :)