Monday, June 12, 2006

what went on?

Its been quite sometime since I posted anything…well these are the things that have been going on since the last post.

1. Resigning from my current job
Finally was able to give my letter to the boss.No counter offer (which didn’t surprise me) but wished me all the best.The MKB called me into the office and both of us gave a piece of each others mind. He called me an ungrateful worker and I told him he is full of bull shit. So everyone is happy

2. The world cup
Its that time of year again,not enough sleep but well worth it.I’m supporting Holland. 1st game diaorg menang and I hope they win the cup

3. My wife still sakit
She is down with the mumps, muka macam kena pam.Everyday whining. Being the suami misali, her every whim the husband kena layan.

4. The car still belum service
Don’t know when I’m going to do it. Nak berenti ni pun still a lot of pending work to do.
-Apa nak jadik-


Anonymous said...

trying to juggle life hey? :))
holland? no...German!! ich liebe dich Deutcshe!!

Acob said...

yes my dear all of us have to do it once in their life time.

yes, i go dutch

Hoe zeg je dat is engles/nederlands

Izhal said...

habaq farah get well soon from hamamatsu... AMIN