Friday, June 30, 2006

5 jam lagi

5 more hours to go......

Lets look back at the past 8 months....

1. Tension
2. Frustration
3. New friends
4. got a spanking new high end laptop
5. Launched my own company
6. Gained weight
7. Lost some weight
8. Collected MPSJ Parking tickets worth RM3,200.00
9. Bought a house
10. Misplaced my digital camera
11. maid lari
12. Ate a lot of ayam kampung (resulting in No.6)

Lets look at the future whats in store for the future

1. Got a spanking new high end laptop
2. Got a spanking new top of the line handphone
3. Dapat menghirup udara segar laut
4. Paid to do something I love
5. Me and my business partners can get more projects
6. Move into new house
7. Can get new maid for wife since the last one dah lari
8. Can service car on time
9. Finally can save for the new PS3
10. Can finally buy the PSP

Well the list goes on and on. God willing things will get back on track.

-Till Monday Comes-

1 comment:

Izhal said...

Insya-ALlah semuanya selamat!!! Aku doakan lu tip top brader!!!