Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Cant think of a title

There were too many things that i wanted to write that happened to me masa the weekend.Tapi biasa ler bila nak write that particluar something mesti ada benda lain yang come up.At this moment terasa ada some free time.Pagi tadi dah attend morning meeting which i really dread.I dont know why they have meetings,its difficult to get this resolved...ill rephrase that,nothing gets resolved.Skang ni kat office a bunch of consultants are earning big $$$ by just figuring out how to improve the productivity of the company.Rather than pay these consultants might as well pay me.Productivity can easily be improved by sacking the senior management.These people are overpayed and basically do nothing.Yang diaorg reti carik silap orang jer.

Malaysians i think are people who live on scandals,gossips and menda-menda yang sewaktu denganya.Last Sunday while having breakfast with the family,my wife who was reading the daily tabloid was "briefing" me on the latest going on's in the entertainment world.Dont get me wrong,i love a good gossip now and then but when the front page of the paper tunjuk whether its true a certain entertainer is going to marry a prominent businessman then something is wrong.If you look at the newstand,lebih banyak majalah hiburan dari majalah ilmiah.Dont get me wrong,a lit bit of entertainment now and then is okay,tapi when your whole life revolves around a specific artis then masalah akan timbul.Kat office ada sorang staff ni,basically i can consider dia ni obsesed dengan penghibur they call "Raja SMS".Mana saja penyanyi ni pegi she will follow.Apa saja entertainer ni buat semuanya betul.Dia ni the hard core type of fan.I doubt the local singing industry will ever change,dahler penuh dengan piracy but lacking is quality.Sometimes the songs they belt out are the same,takde perubahan langsung.A good example are the 3 singing brothers who have been in the business i think for the past 20 years.Their tunes still sound the same after all these years,takde perubahan langsung.

Boleh Ubah ke?

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