Thursday, May 25, 2006

please tick when done.....

Another new day,another new challenge and the same old sh#t.They say if you want to be successful in life or whatever you do you have to plan it correctly (notice how many ‘you’ I use in a sentence?).Kalau nak melaksanakan project kena ada checklist betul kan?

My daily life or routine pun ada checklist or whatever you want to call it lah….

Daily Check list (pls mark √ kalau dah buat)

1.Bangun pagi to work
3.Send wife to office
4.stuck in jam
5.reach the office
6.go out of the office for breakfast (ni wajib)
7.reenter the office
8.Log on to network
9.Check emails
10.Check own blog
11.Check other peoples blog
12.Pretend to be busy
13.Kacau secretary
14.Go out for lunch
15.During lunch time make a point
of “mengutuk” management
16.Come back from lunch
17.Proceed to the Surau for Zohor prayers
(usually dah nak abis waktu)
18.Merapu with your colleagues
19.Again pretend to be busy
20.Check email
21.Check own blog
22.Check other peoples blog
23.Prepare nak balik
24.Drive back home
25.Sangkut slight jam
(not as bad as the morning one)
26.Pick up wife
27.Listen to her problems (this one wajib)
28.Reach home
29.Ambik daughter at nursery
30.Bukak pintu
31.Kena kluar balik cause the wife forgot to
defrost the ayam (optional)
32.Pegi makan at the nearest warung or
fast food joint (optional) back home

This checklist can be used berulang-ulang kali and can be adjusted to suit your working environment. My checklist panjang because the management of the company is very "efficient".

Tapi in my organization we don’t have a check list because the management here comprise of many-many bijak pandai people. That’s why the 1st quarter target belum lagi achieve (we are way off target), we employ consultants to improve the work process and the management are busy “bercinta”.

Man I just “love” my work place.

Does this happen to you?


Izhal said...

mano shoutbox ko ni?

Anonymous said...

ahaks.Acob that pic mengingatkan i kat Cikgu yang ajar we all accounting..apa nama dia Kong? Kang yang reti jawi...hmm yang janggut tu apa? aduh tak ingat. anyway cikgu penah kata accounting tuh susah..kena concentrate...macam mau buang air besarlah..hehehe.